01626 333303

Same day local delivery available on orders before 2pm, Monday to Saturday

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Red Yuletide Glow

A beautiful Christmas candle arrangement, which would be  perfect for the festive table, handmade using our favourite Christmas flowers such as red roses and carnations with mixed seasonal foliage such as holly and berries with spruce. also with a scattering of pine cones this makes a spectacular gift for yourself or someone special.  Available to buy in threes different sizes, you could add on a box of chocalates to your order for that extra christmas present or a teddy bear. or send some festive cheeer with a balloom or two same day delivery available if ordered before 1pm to the surrounding local area  

so why not send this festive arrangement and bring joy and love to your favourite person and let it adorn your dining room table over the festive holiday season and new year.

Red Yuletide Glow

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
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